Thedford - Aug 2022 - Cross Vent Robot Barn

An 80’ wide timber entrance to this 300’ x 260’ dairy facility, is another example of HFH creating a dairy facility suited exactly for what our client needs. A wide-open cross vent barn with large, attached calf barn and milk house.

This barn is a beautiful example of what a modern cross vented barn can feel and look like with ample space, well designed air movement and wide aisles.

Inside the barn you find seven GEA R9500 milking robots, GEA aisle scrapers and pumps, sand bedding, and a Lely Juno feed pusher. The large and well-lit mechanical room houses the big milk tanks, compressors and all other necessities.

Outside you find a large area for sand storage, sand separation, and two large manure tanks. This facility was built around the comfort of the animal and the workability for the farmer.

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