Barrie - Jun 2024 - Dairy Facility

A wide welcoming timber frame porch is at the center of this 77,025 sq’ dairy facility.  The complete facility includes parallel natural ventilation dairy and heifer barns as well as a calf facility, milk house, office, (2) 135’ x 12’ manure tanks and (5) 30’ x 150’ concrete bunk silos.  It is powered with an 800 Amp electrical service and has full stand-by power.

Additional Features include:
•    3 Lely A5 milking robots equipped with MQC-C2 somatic cell counters
•    Lely Grazeway sorting gate
•    Lely Juno Flex automatic feed pusher 
•    3 Hoofcount automatic footbaths
•    Grand River Robotics custom calf milk separation line 
•    Forester Technik automatic combi calf feeder (capable of feeding whole milk or milk replacer)
•    Hygiene boxes on each feeding stall
•    100 liter Forester Technik smart tank
•    Forester Technik milk collector which transports milk from milkhouse to calf barn.
•    GEA SW cable alley scrapers and box scraper
•    GEA hydraulic piston pumps
•    Jourdain stabling including self lock, feed front, freestalls, gates and fencing
•    Norbco panel fans
•    VES calf barn ventilation system
•    Maximus control panel

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